Dreaming the New Year into Being, Amanita Muscaria & Juniper Smoke Blessing Bundles


Hello dear ones! 

Here we are on the last day of the year and I am sending you so many blessings and gratitude for staying connected with me this year!

Here's what I'm sharing this month: 

  • Your December Playlist 

  • Juniper Smoke Blessing Bundles are here

  • Dreaming the New Year Into Being

  • Client Spotlight: Emily Parker of Purna Wellness

  • Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Magic

Here's your New Year's Playlist!

Here’s a new playlist for you to dance into the long night, the fertile dark, the blessed womb of winter as we birth ourselves into the new year.

Juniper Smoke Blessing Bundles are here!

I’m so excited to share that Juniper Smoke Blessing Bundles are here! 

 These fragrant green beauties are perfect for blessing your home space for the New Year~ They have a spicy sweet fragrance that transports me to a moist and ancient ancestral forest... (Juniper is burned for cleansing and blessing in Poland, the land of my ancestors)

 Juniper Smoke Blessing Bundles are $20 each (includes shipping in the US). If you would like one (or a few), just reply to this email.

 I collected this Juniper after a recent storm felled a large branch. I’ve been feeling such a sweet connection with this plant lately, and I’ve been burning a little bit each morning & evening to bless my day & dreaming. It’s an honor & joy to share this with you! 

 Juniper is a great sustainable alternative to burning white sage or Palo Santo.

Client Spotlight: Emily Parker of Purna Wellness

I’m shining with joy to share my latest website for Ayurvedic & Bodywork practitioner Emily Parker of Purna Wellness.

Emily brings a grounded and warm approach to wellness through the ancient practices of Ayurveda and she offers her services both in person (in the SF Bay Area) and over Zoom.

The start of the new year is a perfect time to set intentions and make shifts for our health. Emily offers supportive guidance in making lasting changes for gut health, weight release, and immune system vibrancy.

Emily offers a free 15-minute consultation to explore working together.

Website photos by me, with additional photos on the site by gifted photographer @lunamunn

Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Magic

I have long been fascinated by the brilliant vermillion-hued mushrooms that appear in fairy tales and European holiday iconography. Last year on one of  my daily walks I was delighted to see some popping up in a neighbor's yard. Ever since then Amanita Muscaria have been on my radar, and now I'm seeing them every day here in Sonoma County.

Amber Magnolia Hill of Mythic Medicine recently released a podcast episode featuring Amanita Dreamer, a woman who has researched Amanita Muscaria extensively and used them to help her get off of heavy her serious anxiety medication. I had always heard that a Amanita Muscaria were poisonous/deadly, but it turns out that with proper dosage and preparation they have promising benefits, and are being studied for help with sleep issues, anxiety, depression and PTSD. Listen to the fascinating podcast below.

Important: Amanita Muscaria can cause severe side effects if not prepared & used correctly, so please do adequate research if you want to explore connecting with them. Amanita Dreaming has a wonderful website full of resources & she is a hoot! ;-)

Here's some pics of my recent meetings with Amanita! 

Sweet Tom & I traipsing through the woods and meeting Fungi friends! Have you seen the movie Fantastic Fungi? We watched it recently and loved it so much! 

I want to leave you with 2 beautiful pieces of writing (From Asia Suler & Sophie Strand) that really spoke to me. 

Wishing you all blessings for the New Year~ If you feel inspired, I would love to hear from you~ What are you dreaming of for the New Year? What are you ready to release? Just reply to the email. For me, I'm dreaming of more fun, play and joy, and I'm ready to release the constriction of old trauma. 

If you know someone who could use a little brightness and inspiration, please pass this blog post along!

::: Beaming love your way :::


Here's Tom & I wishing you a cozy & warm New Year!

And Santa brought me Brussels Sprouts! ;-)


New Moon Playlist & Walking with My Dreams


November Playlist, Web Design Openings & Cozy Hearth Time