Lunar New Year Playlist + Winter Special Ending Soon!
Hi friends!
The Lunar New Year has arrived, and with it, a moment to dream, vision, and welcome fresh energy to meet the blessings and challenges of this time on earth. Read on for a dreamy playlist, an intuitive energy reading for 2025 from Asia Suler, a reminder about my Winter Website Special (ending soon!), and a few things I’ve been loving lately.
New Moon, New Year, New Vibes
This dreamy (mostly instrumental) mix is perfect for setting a sensual atmosphere for your day, whether you’re flowing through gentle movement, creatively visioning, or just relishing a restful moment. Let it transport you~ Enjoy!
Want even more musical inspiration? Explore all my playlists HERE.
Winter Website Special—Final Days!
If you’ve been dreaming of a new website, now’s the time! My Winter Website Special is still available to folks who reach out to me by Friday, January 31st—offering $400 off my website + branding packages!
I’m almost fully booked for the next three months, so if you’d like my help channeling your magic into the digital realm, let’s connect soon!
Reach out via the link below to schedule a free consultation, or feel free to pass this along to someone who’s ready to transform their online presence. Referrals are always welcome and appreciated (and I'll send you $200 as a thank you for any referrals)!
CONTACT me to set up a free consultation.
A Look at 2025 with Asia Suler
Each year author and teacher Asia Suler does an intuitive reading for the new year, and this year's message resonated strongly with me. It's an insightful look at the themes and currents shaping this year. I encourage you to check it out!
In her words:
"Every year I sit down and ask the Earth to show me an image, a metaphor that will help us navigate the year ahead.
This year, way before I even asked, the image just fell into my mind…
And I was fascinated by what I saw—an ember-red ring surrounding a center of darkness.
I started calling it “the Golden Ring.” I could feel the immense power of it, the profound potential, the Earth-shifting bigness of this upcoming year…" -Asia Suler
My Favorite Workday Ritual
Lately, I’ve been starting my mornings and taking breaks throughout the day with Qi Gong sessions on YouTube. It’s a way to shift my energy, transition between tasks, stretch out and feel more grounded in the midst of a lot of screen time. If you’re looking for a gentle yet powerful way to move energy in your body, I recommend trying it!
Healy Devices to Share—Supporting Wellbeing on all Levels
I'm excited to share something that has had a positive impact on my life over the past couple of years. I've been using a frequency device called Healy, and it has helped me with so many things—sleeping better, mental focus, depression, nervous system regulation, and overall body comfort. I have 3 devices for sale at a very reduced price, and I'm excited to share them with folks who will really benefit from them.
Healy is a small, hand-held frequency device that delivers specific microcurrent frequencies, and/or magnetic field frequencies (depending on which device you use) to the body and energy system. The first time I used it, I felt a shift that reminded me of the sensation I get during acupuncture or energy healing—a deep, subtle movement of energy through my body. Then, I drifted off into one of the most restful sleeps I’d had in ages. Healy has also helped me with occasional lower back and knee discomfort.
I originally earned these devices as an affiliate for Healy, and though I'm no longer an affiliate (busy focusing on my own business) I've continued to use my Healy devices daily as an essential part of my self-care and for focus while working & energy balancing during emotionally challenging times.
I have 3 Healy devices for sale at a deeply reduced price, and I'm hoping these go to folks who could really use this support! If you are interested, CONTACT ME for more info.
Healy Resonance Plus Device
Healy Resonance Plus Device
Mag Healy Professional Device
Thanks for reading!
Energy is flowing in my life and business again after the deep stillness of winter, and I’m excited to introduce you to some of my wonderful new clients and their offerings through the websites I’ve designed in the coming months.
I also hope you’re enjoying the monthly New Moon playlists—it’s a joy to craft them for you! May they be a creative soundtrack to your day.
Wishing you all blessings,
With my favorite tree wearing my grandmother & mother's rings