Intuitive Dreaming Journey to the Healing Waters of Creativity
Thank you so much for joining my community of kindred creatives!
This 15-minute drum journey will lead you to a place of healing waters that has a special message just for you. This is an opportunity to commune with your own deep creative spark that is always there, ready to birth through you, just like the flowers upon the earth, the fish in the sea, the clouds in the sky. We are made of earth and we too are born to create! :::Your Dreams are Speaking :::
Tips for the journey:
Find a comfortable space to lay down where you won't be disturbed, have your journal and something to write or draw with nearby. You can cover your eyes with a scarf to help you go inward. Take a few deeps breaths and feel your body relax and become quiet. I recommend listening to the journey on headphones/earbuds if you can. If you have an intention or question about a current situation in your life or business, you can write it in your journal beforehand. For example: “I would like to know what the next best step in my business is”. or “Please show me how I can move forward creatively when I feel stuck”. Once you form your intention or question, just let the drum journey carry you to receive your answer. When the journey is over, come fully back to yourself and stretch your body, wiggle your hands and toes, then make some notes in your journal about what you experienced. I invite you to keep your intuitive antennas up for anything popping up in your life after the journey that might also be pointing to your message, such as a song coming on the radio, a chance encounter with someone, or even something in nature that is unusual and stands out to you. This process is all about practicing listening to our own wise intuitive self.
I wish you blessings for your journey and please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to share anything about your experience with me. My email is: dreamsthatspeak@gmail.com And if you enjoyed this journey and would like to dive deeper, I offer Intuitive Dream Sessions and Custom Journey Work.
*Please note: This journey was originally recorded for the wonderful artist (and my dear friend) Nikki Cade’s World of Wonders Painted Globes online art course, so you will hear me mention painting on globes in the recording.