Catching A Rainbow With The Deep Ancestors


Welcome to the season of the Ancestors my friend~

This time of year always holds much enchantment and ancestral longing for me, as the light turns golden, the rains come, and Halloween nears.

Here's what I'm sharing this month: 

  • Your October Playlist 

  • Client Spotlight #1: Sabel Rose Regalia's Rainbow World

  • Client Spotlight #2 Moonshine Wellness

  • Dreaming with the Deep Ancestors 

  • Ancestral Gifts on my Morning Walk

It's here! Your October playlist~

These are some deeply mystic & juicy grooves I’ve woven together to transport you to an enchanting landscape of creative possibilities~ 🦉

🦉 Do any of you remember these owl beloveds from my greeting card line from years ago? They were hooting at me to have a little flight ‘round the mountain again~~~ 

Client Spotlight #1
Sabel Rose Regalia's Rainbow World

A few weeks ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to capture the rainbow-infused world of Fine Art Quilter, Sabel Rose Regalia. Her studio in Santa Rosa, CA, is located in a reclaimed military base, and when I arrived, it was like stepping into the technicolor world of Oz after leaving dismal Kansas. Everywhere I looked was an explosion of colors & patterns, with little whimsical altars and flowers arranged on every surface.

Sabel shared some lovely words about her experience on the photoshoot that I've put in my most recent blog post, along with a full gallery of images from the shoot~ Please click below to check it out!

Together we captured the story of her creative process, and now she has a custom gallery of photos to use on her website & social media accounts. Sabel Rose creates vivid one-of-a-kind treasures by commission. To find out more, please visit her website & sign up for her email list for openings.

Client Spotlight #2 Moonshine Wellness

Dreaming with the Deep Ancestors

On of my favorite teachers, Asia Suler, just sent out an evocative email on the topic of connecting with our "Deep Ancestors", those ancestors in our family line from pre-history, when all humans lived intimately with the earth. Her email, as well as the video she released on the topic, resonated in my bones. I'll put the video below. Asia is also offering a seasonal online class called Herbs for the Otherworld, which I got to take with her in person at Spirit Weavers Gathering a few years ago. It was the first time I was introduced to her & her offerings and was an important part of my own walk with my ancestors.

Ancestral Gifts on my Morning Walk

🍎 🕯🌲🌹 Inspired by Asia Suler's recent post & video see above) about connecting with our “Deep Ancestors” I decided to take a walk this morning with the intention of creating an internal space of openness and listening (I usually listen to music or a podcast when I walk). 

It was my first walk on the street where I live since the big rain storm a few days ago & nature offerings where everywhere~ Redwood cones, dropped pine boughs, and apples in piles under their trees. I ran into a neighbor, and as we were chatting I spied a pomegranate tree behind some juniper bushes in the yard we were standing in front of. I exclaimed with joy when I saw the pomegranates dangling like ornaments from the tree (not realizing it was her yard) and she invited me to harvest as many as I could carry! 

🍎🕯🌹🌲 My heart swelled with emotion as I reverently picked several, remembering stories my grandmother has told me about the tangy-sweet-sour taste of pomegranate juice she and my grandpa drank on their visits to our homeland of Serbia & Montenegro. 

🍎🕯🌹🌲 These ruby fruits hold so much meaning for me & my lineage and I am deeply grateful for this gift from my ancestors on my morning walk. 🙌🏽 Have you ever received a symbolic gift from your beloved ancestors? A wink from the universe that they are there listening, guiding and reaching out to support you? I’d love to hear! Please comment below~

Thanks for reading friend! 

::: Beaming love your way :::



November Playlist, Web Design Openings & Cozy Hearth Time


Catching a Rainbow~ Personal Branding Photography for Sabel Rose Regalia, Fine Art Quilter