The Healing Hoot Of Owls & January New Moon Playlist
In this post I'll be sharing:
Your January New Moon Spotify Playlist
The exciting re-launch of Karrie Myers-Taylor's Empowerment Astrology Website
An invitation to Asia Suler's course, Business as a Spiritual Journey
A message if you're feeling hopeless...
An inspiring musical enchantment
December New Moon Playlist & Savoring The Season
In this post I'll be sharing:
Your December New Moon Spotify Playlist
My thoughts on the importance of having a strong website before you start marketing
The most adorable Mini Muse ornaments from artist Nikki Cade
Taking refuge in the rose
The light that makes me happy on dark winter days
Your ticket to travel the world this winter for free! :-)
Blessed Rain & November New Moon Playlist
Your November New Moon Spotify Playlist
Highlights from 3 recent Personal Branding Photoshoots
The best face masks ever
A video from one of my favorite people about how to recover your lost power
A simple before-bed ritual for gentle sleep
New Moon In Libra~ Inviting Brilliant Balance
In this post I'll be sharing:
The healing practitioner who has been helping me stay balanced and healthy on all levels
A recent website launch for Lucia Light Marin
Your October New Moon Spotify Playlist
My top 2 wellness tips as we move into Autumn
A special euphoria-inducing treat!
Beaming Love Your Way~
Each month on the new moon I’ll be posting a lovingly-crafted playlist of inspiring music to fuel your create process, as well as tips for Web Design, Branding & Intuitive Dreaming. And you’ll be the first to hear about upcoming dream classes and special offerings!